Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Society Wala Post

Okay firstly this i think is the final part of the society post which I've been penning it down for the past One Year!Gimme a Nobel prize dammit! Or at least an Oscar?
Why I dunno.
Yes,you heard it right baby it was last year's October when I started the first part of this post and now here I am finally ending it almost after an year.
What,where did the whole year go? Time is  literally flying!

Somewhere something is wrong we've never experienced such a phenomenon ever before. They say when a person is in the infamous Bermuda Triangle,he looses few hours because of something mysterious which could resemble high end electromagnetic flux or presence of the hawking's famous worm holes.
Is something similar happening to we terrestrials? I hope not.

Hello,excuse me wake up this is supposed to be a society post.Not Science Gyan post!!!

Okay...Sshhh...Ya back to our Society post

In this post I would go in detail about
some important elements of our society and my opinion of them.
So let's get stared.

1)The curious case of wannabe firangi:
This is regarding the people who boast about how modern they are by trying to become the worst copy of western lifestyles.
Agreed if you are born and brought up in US or London or any other foreign land you can't help but adopt their culture but I know few people who just is spend few years abroad and behave like queen Elizabeth is  their grandmother. That accent and mannerisms and all they get.
Some people get it right from the airport!

I also see some of my colleagues when they ask me what are you reading right now I say "Daayan Ka Badla!" By my favourite author Shri Bhadwe lal chaudhary.That was just sarcasm,
which unfortunately they can't get!
It is very common to his hear people say oh you are reading an "Indian author"
I'm like ya,so what? You know what they are not good enough for me I only read international authors.
I have read like  a zillion books, all international.
If having or reading innumerable books makes one wise,then Librarians should be the wisest people in the world.
Reading is reading,knowledge has no language barriers, I read Chinese authors,Korean or even pharsi literature but do not show it off
It is evident through my write ups or talking.
And like they say "Knowledge without Wisdom is like a body without Soul"
You are Indian first take pride in your nationality and ethnicity.
For those underestimating the Indian liertature know that we are the country with maximum dialects.We have the longest poem in the history of mankind-The Mahabharata.
The country got its first Nobel prize for Literature it was Gurudev and author of our National Anthem Mr.Rabindranath Tagore for 'Gitanjali' When at an international platform our Indian literature is being felicitated we think Indian authors are mediocre, Indian literature is not what you see in the market it is what is getting rotten in the old and worn out libraries of our country.

2)Jab hum Jawaan hongay-Homosexuality:
What if I told you homosexuality is not a modern day concept.It was there even before history could record it.
Its supposed be a sin by all religions and being oriented makes you a different human breed.
We greatly call ourselves broad thinkers by supporting gay marriages but now imagine one of your sons or daughters or brothers or sisters come out of closet and declare that they are gay and want to get married to their love interest which is of course same gender.How many of us will get them married? If you do then hats off to you and if you don't then I'd ask you to get rid of that f****ng hypocritical mask.

There's nothing more beautiful than love then why should love have any barriers why should it restrict to gender,caste, age, language or anything else?
The problem what the religion and society has is about the perpetuation of generation. If everyone is gay married then in no time human race will get extinct.C'mon lets face it we need man and woman to give a child birth.So,society's concern is not totally invalid and unreasonable.
Unless you haven't heard about this:
A woman can give birth to a child without having sex with a man,You must have heard about carriage mothers.
Another rare technological facility we have where not even the sperm of a man is required only cells from female body can pop out a baby,Without even a trace of man involvement!Read on...
I think you have heard about Parvati devi giving birth to lord Ganesha on her own,thriygh her 'malina' that's what I'm talking about.We are in 21st century dear everything is possible right from gender changes to disabled winning Olympic medals.
Children are next step but first a gay couple should be able love open and without the judgement from the society.
I say they'll judge you any way so just do it and at least it will satisfy your heart and soul.

3)The Crab Mentality:You place a few crabs in a bucket you would see that when one is trying to come up the others pull his legs down back to where they all are.
The society is filled with such idiots who do not do anything worthy and when someone is trying they try their best to pull him or her back.It could be your relatives or colleagues or just a random rascal.
I have observed that the  most successful people of our country are Gujjus( Read Ambanis,Modis etc.)
and you know how they live,in joint families,they have their differences but they don't let third party take advantage of them.Their values and traditions are impeccable.
In college I had two best friends one Gujju and another a Marwadi,they both were childhood friends before I met them.They used to come and complain about each how other's behavior was so bad I used get so involved that couple of times I used to give them a earful that they shouldn't have said such things to the other then the complainer used to come and say kya yaar itna suna diya usko? I was like weren't you were the one who complained about him,then he used to say Haaa.. Par itna gusa mat hona uspe bas dheere se samjha.
I found that so cute.....
From then onwards when they come to me complaining about each other I'd say deal it yourself brother you'd be safe I'd be the one fooled in your friendship.Even today when I meet them after a long time I'd sing,
"Mere do anmol ratan...!"

So,that's another episode of  our society wala post.Im planning to take maternity leave just to complete this post!
Anyway as long as I'm loving it it's okay.
Like they say,"Its not about the destination its about the journey." :)

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