Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Hellooo....people how're y'all!!!??.So the matter is that the last month went liked a jiffy! Just so many things happening at the same time and me being a proud multi-tasker & god tried to push my multi-tasking skills to the brim! Nevertheless,now that i'm  back lets resume where we left it!

What the hell is happening in blogosphere? So many good writers went into long hibernation busy wisey okay but what about passion? what about those thoughts which are bubbling to come outside?
whenever i see myself in such a situation i do a very helpful exercise,it helps to break the monotony as well as instill anyone with a fresh new energy to write your heart out.Shall we try it?Okay first take a deep breathe and leave slowly.
Next raise both your palms to chest level, palms insides facing you,you should be able to see your lines on your palms now look straight in front of you and close all the fingers of both the hands except the middle fingers of both the hands.
Now say it loudly with all your heart,"Fuck You All!".

This exercise removes all the tension caused in the muscles of your body as well as mind caused due to keeping other's opinion of you in your thoughts.
Note:This exercise can be done any time any place but make sure you avoid it in office! Just imagine you're saying fuck you and your boss comes just then from the opposite direction! how cool that would be! 

So it was a not so bad month,got to meet new people had fun.The rains are pouring like anything and i'm lovin' it! You know god is a great balancer and he has a way of clearing things.We may not understand his plan at first but he never disappoints people with good intentions.This one's to God.Will alway be indebted to you for all the blessings.

Love y'all... lets catch up in the next post! May the force be with you!!!  

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