Friday, April 22, 2016

How To Patao An Alpha Male!

Okay first things first... I am sorry for posting so late,the schedule what i've planned before that i shall try to write at least a post a month but this time i was actually busy and the  sun was not getting anyway low,so the mood wasn't setting right  to write.
But the show must go on right? and the post must be published on...the blogger.
So,here i am with just 'nother post.

There are many 'gyan bhandaars' out there on how to behave in front of your
'dream girl' and tips and t-series!(only 90's fans will get this joke!).So whatever are there.

But i thought chalo why not try something different...
When men are equal to women and vice versa then why shouldn't a lady have handy copy of their own on how to get the man of their dreams in their track.Sounds interesting? You bet it is !
So what to wait for?!
As usual,you will see these pointers point wise(that's why they are called pointers!
Silly me!).So,here we go...

1) Smile Please! :) : I bet you there is no man on the face of this earth who wouldn't fall for a hearty smile!!
When you brush your teeth regularly then what's the hesitation? Flash those 32...
Men can differentiaite between a fakely put on smile and the one which shoots straight outta your heart.
When he reaches home tired and all worn out by lifting the entire globe on his bare hands give that grin and trust me it makes him think that not everyone in this world are like his boss!
It shows the strength of character and beauty of the personality.

2)Look Confident:  As far my experience goes some women when they are around their eye-candy lose their sense of control slightly and look star-struck.
You know those teenage years when(ya some seven years back!) we used to steal silent stares and look away immediately when they look at us!
When a man looks at a woman who is getting all tensed up and nervous infront his 'boy' he thinks it as cute.
And that's about it.You need to be self assured and somewhat proactive to get his attention.
Confident women immediately makes him think that you're matured enough for a relationship.
If he doesn't still gets impressed...screw him!
You may not have him but you have a renewed confidence which you can use in other areas of life.
Nothing to lose here.

3)Don't Just be An On-looker: This is one of the things which irks me about a woman.They call themselves strong,independent women of modern times but when he faces a problem they just stand there and expect him to solve everything on his own.Not all,many.
Stand by him,not back of him that's where backstabbers would stand nor in the front of him 'cause an alpha male would be too egoistic to follow you but right beside him.
Tell him and discuss with him the easiest way out.
Because he is A Man doesn't mean that he is the one who deals with all the shit all the time.Share the burden.
That man or woman who has spoken shit about you,he'll make sure they are placed where they belong to but when your man is the one at the receiving end of shit take a stand and stand there.
If not get ready to face his contempt.

4)Alpha Male Is Not An Easy Catch: If you observe one common trait among the alpha males is that they look all detached may be because they get themselves things done easier than compared to other males.
What techniques you have been using all these days to attract male attention,these wont work in front of him.
Until and unless he feels you are on the same pace and space as himself he wont give you any heed.
What goes favorable for you is that he would sooner or later give up and give in if you genuinely love him for his personality,he's very good at sieving pure genuine emotions.Be persistent but don't lose yourself in the process.If you its too much to handle,Show him your hand in form of a thullu with your self-respect intact

5)Look What I've Got Baby!: When pretty women are not given their due attention they go to any extent to get that admiration for their looks and i mean any extent.
We had a college bomb,every college has one & if you're lucky then more!
So this beautiful girl/woman was like jaan of college and obviously men are shameless enough to drool as soon as she passes by including all my friends Except me!
I was like "Ha theek hai abhi kya aarti utaru uski!"
Then what followed were one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.
I was shown what i was not expecting to see and my song in the music system appropriately playing
"Teri Galliyan!!!" I know cheesy!
But girls please...don't go for  these un necessary Exposing.
99% of men will come running to you when you play that "Sexy" card...But not an Alpha Male.He's a too strong character to fall for this.
Do you really think you are only woman in the world with a pair of boobs and butts?
He's faced it before and he'll pass this one as just another silly unsuccessful  attempts.

These are what have come to my mind right now,let's see if we can have an extension to this but as of now i'm happy that i am writing after so long... :)
See you in the next post...Good nights fellas!!!

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