Saturday, August 1, 2015

Its been 4!

My baby has finished 4 years in blogging world!Oh I'm so excited!
My blog,my pride.
I never did this before. All these years.Never in four years of our relationship but its now to me to acknowledge what it has given me.Platform and Punching bag.Yes that's what it has given me.
I started this blog as a timepass,at least I'm admitting it!I know its the same with many.I think I've mentioned this before as well that I came here to itch out the writer in me and nothing else mattered to me.Not a blogger but writer .That's why you don't see me following anyone and as it might not be surprising that i don't have any followers as well.
You know na our blogger world behaviour 'You scratch my balls and I'll scratch yours!'
I wanted to keep my balls Private!
Anyways,so I just penned down the ones which Inspired me,which stirred an emotion in me, which I thought I can't live without putting it down on paper,virtual of course.
Srinidhi a very good writer and a human being.It was through her blog I came across you people!
Srinidhi,thank you very much
you have given me chance to meet some really good writers.I owe this to you.

Well,coming to my initial days of blogging I was just like any other everything and everyone  was new.
I just needed a medium to quench the thirst.
So I first drank a glass of water and started writing!what?what did you expect?!
Just a traveler I was who took the notes if my experience in whatever way I could find.I had this natural flow with me as I worked as a writer for a magazine under some anonymous.
So it helped a bit here.
 I read all the to do's of a blogger on how they can follow each other and update each other's posts and how we can comment our  opinion on their post,I found this quite amazing.

I commented on few posts of fewer people which I thought were genuine write-ups and which appealed to me.
Writing matters to me more than writer,I wouldn't think twice to appreciate even my enemy if I think they have done commendable job.

As far as my writing goes,I always look for that spark and if its there I would air it into a forest fire!
I would be lying if I said I did it all on my own,the vintage bloggers were there to help!
I appreciate their good will to help me out in the initial days.
But on another note,trying to put down other's writing or blog in general, I found that quite surprising and upsetting.
I never compare anyone's anything(writing especially) to mine,that's not my character.Your belief in yourself should be so strong that no newbie should be able to  change it.Stick to your stengths,that's what I do,who cares how does my blog look or how many pageviews I got(by the way I discovered this feature only few months back!) But I don't delve into all that because sajna sajaana is not my cup'a tea.
And by the way I think many want to know why Pink template?
the reason is I have always been a sensitive person,I detect genuine emotions and feelings like a police bitch,I mean dog!
Faking it with me will not work out.
The reason is not some supernatural power but because you are reading a behavioural psychology graduate.
So pink is  basically my sensitive side which I proudly display.

Now some other blogging related things.Few things happened during this mean journey.I have lost cool and the gates to my anger broke loose and I have warned them in a very strong desi language.I don't regret it,they asked for it.
I respect women and like Shahrukh uncle says I bow down to three women in my life1)Mataji 2)My Ma and....

BUT if someone takes my goodness for granted and brings in my or my family name,then like they say in Hyderabadi "Gardan Pe Haath Aur G@#% Pe Laat"
You must have met many bad men in your life but now you are meeting their dad.Beware.

Moving On... I happened to meet many genuine and intellectual kind of people her as well.When I started blogging it was a lot of male bashing happening majority of the writers targeted men in name of feminism. I am not against feminism, Infact I support it.I dont think so you become a feminist by abusing male.Because there are some bastards out there who live like animals that does not mean the entire male being is the same way.I support feminism which talks of women empowerment. I support feminism which talks of gender equality,I repeat equality not higher than men or anything less.Feminism shouldn't turn you into a man.Women can bring revolution by being themselves.Indira Gandhi is just one example.

Why should anyone or anything influence your choices?
They are just living their lives and you have full freedom to live yours.
I always have this thing in my mind running "So What?" Or like our sadda Punjabi says "Sannu Ki!"

"Jo Bole So Nihal Satsri Akaal!"

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