Thursday, February 11, 2016

Random Ramble Returns...

Hello Blogwasiyo...
Kaisan ba? (Those who do not understand bhojpuri I'm asking you how're maaaa...nnn???& Woo...maaannn??? I'm not doing this on purpose actually my keyboard is not functioning because of the oil from the achar i soaked it up in... it's got some kind of loose motion kind of thing,giving out without any control!!

Oookayyy... What's up people?
Looks like a lot is going on in the place of blogistan? Huh?
Good.Like someone said long back that "Change is the only thing constant"
Good,Happy for them.My best wishes and greetings to all of them.

Coming back to hamra postwa,its been quite an eventful year by far.Some shades of boredom here and there are inevitable but more than anything else this year looks like no other I've seen so far.So lemme just scribble whatever is coming to my kidneys I mean,Mind!

So Ladies and Girls and their brothers let's get staarrted!!!

1) I feel bad for Good boys: Seriously,when I see a boy so anxiously,with love in his pure heart and hope in his naïve mind  loves a girl and when he's friend-zoned.I really feel empathy for such innocent aka ignorant souls.
I wouldn't blame the girl 'cause its up to her to accept or refuse-prerogative of choice.

A simple piece of advice you call it or need to put good people on the right track whatever you call it.Here it is.
Dude,you need to face some really harsh realities of life one of them is that,"Girls are not a fan of good boys"
They like them yes,but as a friendship material.I would like to give a Scientific explanation to this.
To live in this world you need to be B.A.D.That's a minimum survival technique any tom and harry with a beep has to follow!.Good men are easily walked upon,they are not held in highest authority.Taking for granted.
A Woman looks for a man who behaves like one.Manly.
Those who do not go out of their way to please anyone and who has a devil-may-care attitude.
But also who knows how to take care of his woman.
Its a mixture of Good+Bad boy characters.Yeah its difficult but worth it.

And most important of all do not loose your self-respect.
Do not behave servile.
Remember,you can make Adjustments with your Attitude but not Compromise with your Character.Never ever do that.You may please her for an year or two but you've got your own life to live
Same goes for her as well.

You two should be able to grow as a separate individuals as well.
And women,don't behave like
Sati-Savitris...your man is your Life-Partner not owner.So stop living your life around him,be around
but just go around and live your life as well.A real man will encourage you to live your life to the fullest.

So guys take notes...Be yourself,
Be your best self and the right girl will find you.Stay Raw.No put ons.
If you've got fire in your belly,looks hardly me on this try it and come back to thank me!
"If your heart is pure and conscience clear sooner or later you'll find
The one"

2) Is summer on?: Looks like so.Whatever it is, looks like khichdi,this weather.Extremely cold at nights Extremely humid in the day.Planning to shift to Mars.Bored of the same old planet! Didn't you hear,"Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus".
So basically I'll be going back to my "Maika" Earth will always be my "Baapka" BTW!!!

3)Super-humane: Six days under the snow and man survives(read Indian army soldier's survival). Some incidents where people who were declared dead came back to life.Something which we generally call it supernatural or paranormal.I Would like to write a post on this subject somewhere in the near future.
But like they say in each one of us there's a superhuman which makes a seven year old boy break a branch of a tree and break the thick ice layer and save his friend from getting drowned in the icy river.Its all about pushing the boundaries.

4)Wrap-Up: Ya,that's it for today.Till we meet next time.
Same place,same channel,same time.
Okay bye...go now,let me sleep. Zzzzzzz...


  1. Such an honest , bole to " dil se likhi hui " post :) louvvveee louuveee louvvvveeddd it

    We do need to save Good Men and remind them that they are wanted

  2. Thaaaaank you chinky:)
    It would be nice if everyone else realises this.
    Sorry for the late reply.Not used to comments on my blog!:)
