Sunday, March 13, 2016

Back With My Society Post!

I still remember those horrifying moments when we were forced to sit before the idiot box watching even more idiotic actors doing the ultimate overacting and our ghar ki auratein reacting as if it is them who are facing such mother India situation.
When you have your important match on sports channel but getting that remote was something like getting flesh from tiger's cage.You know you'll be martyred.
Ekta Kapoor thank you for creating such a perfect art of shit.Because you've got a b-grade looking c-grade actor brother doesn't mean you take revenge for it from others. already published in the newspaper I'll be writing my next part of the society post.
What are you waiting for then? Brace yourself & grab that popcorn and let the show begin!

1)Islam-The Most Misunderstood Religion:

The other day I was with friends just chatting on random topics.Then a "Mashallah" slipped out of my mouth and one of my friends asked "kya convert hone ka iraada hai?" I tried to say when you say OMG(oh my God) you say it without flinching.If it is so particular then you as a Hindu should say OMB(oh my Bhagwaan) but why you have a problem with Islamic mentions.He said, they are very violent people bro..don't you know all the terrorists are Muslims and they kill another person without thinking about humanity.
I asked him which god do you worship?
He said Lord Ram was his favorite god.
I told him that even the most ideal man holds weapons in his hands (bow and arrow)which is obviously to defend his and his dear ones self-respect.
Even gods Kill the wrong doers.If it is wrong it needs to be punished stringently so that such wrong doesn't repeat further.
If a rapist is killed in Saudi Arabia and you call that inhuman,I want to see the same humanity when god forbid happens to women of your family.
Do not talk humanity when others are in trouble and do not talk about violent punishment when it comes to you.
It is a Criminal dying not a Noble man so there's no need to feel any sympathy or empathy for such people.

Ask anyone today,What is the biggest problem of today? They would spontaneously say,"Terrorism".
Why? Because they kill so many innocent people.
Terrorism has its roots in the
World War-2.The two powerful blocks of the world formed at the end of the WW-2.
One was a group of capitalist nations headed by USA and socialist countries headed by USSR.
USSR was making progress with speed of light and therefore US like a perfect vamp created the phenomenon of Osama Bin Laden and sucesfully disintegrated USSR.
And to Bin laden US has shown a Babaji ka thullu.
To take revenge for such backstabbing terrorism in its full form sprouted.
So the Uncle Sam is the naughty boy behind the so called biggest problem in the world.

And FYI more people die hunger deaths than by a terrorist attack. 2-3 per minute to be precise.
...And terrorism is the biggest problem in the world.

'Nother thing many have a misconception is that islam is not a good religion for women.
In my carrier I've worked around 2 to 3 years in an all or most Muslim working organizations and I can confidently say that I don't see them any different from other women of the society. They may wear a hijab from outside but they don't look anyway discriminated.

To talk of Holy Quran...where it has mentioned women to cover themselves.
It also tells a man to low down his graze if he sees something which is not good for his integrity.
The religion also says that heaven lies under a woman's feet(mother)
Talking of some more privileges mentioned in Quran is that
She can work and earn her living without having to depend on anyone else and has equal rights on inherited property.
Women have gone to wars along with men during the times of prophets.
So we can imagine how empowered they were during those times.
It is these Selfish and wicked men manipulated the mentions of Quran in such a way that it benefits only them.

I repeat Quran has equal status for men and women. It is just these extremist's interpretation of the holy book makes us doubt it.

We have grown with our Muslim friends and we were never anything like what they show in movies.
When they have Ramzan we would be served biryani & sheer kurma first by our friend's mothers and when we have Ganesh festival they'd be first in our homes to enjoy the festival delicacies.
That's how our childhood was...

Yes there comes a time when you have to take a stand for your Muslim friends.Especially
When some friend's parents cannot understand Islam in its truer sense and be prejudiced about it.

2)Is Fair Lovely?: 
 Does color matter?If you would have lived a hundred years back and in the places like Africa or America then may be one would have experienced something called Racism whose shitty theory states that white people are supposed to be superior than black people.
The same concept which made the father of this nation,Gandhi to take up  the great cause when he was thrown out of the train reasoning he was not white.

Coming to our society's perception of colour we know very well how everyone wants to look a shade fairer.
I have many friends but there's only one friend who knows me inside out and  about whom I've mentioned in my previous blog to which I've lost access.
So this guy whom with no sense of exaggeration i called him God for he really is my punching bag.Whenever I feel like praying I pray to god to give me enough riches(self-earned) to help this friend of mine to lead a luxurious life.
His Father is an Auto Driver.He lives in the slummest area of Hyderabad.
He taught and helped two of my friends get through C.A. but he himself was stuck at it because of inhospitable family situations
I have zillion times asked him to
concentrate on himself but he is like my mom,always sensitive to others needs.
Such a person should not be left as a lone fighter,I won't let him be.

Okay... that I got a bit carried away...
So my bestest friend my piece of heart SaiPrem(told you he was a god!)
is pure Black but if anyone mocks him for that then he may have to visit a nearby hospital for i'm gonna kick his ass really bad.

Moral of the story: Keep your heart beautiful and if someone looks down on you for your color then remind them that the eyes with which they are able to look at is itself black, the pupil.

3)Happy Singh Syndrome:

This is with regards to the social media behaviour that how many are simply living that illusioned online life.
Okay so if one posts photos of "feeling happy" with blah blah and 5000 others.
Or checked in at my washroom with chutiya das and 49 others.
Abey woh tera gar hai ya public Shouchalay?

So doing something attractive gets you likes and your self esteem grows.
That's how it's supposed to work right?
And men posting photos with their friends having fun.okay you're having fun but what is the need to show it to others.Sharing you say.Good,if they are your friends but why do you have to show it to thousands of strangers?
And people who can't Act that way feel miserable about themselves.May be the man you've seen with that expensive car is in big debt or may be the girl who's a social butterfly and gets so much complimented for her killer looks is craving for honest,simple love in real life.
Everyone's life is equally shitty,some know how to deal with it,some wonder how to deal with it whereas some have stopped trying.

In today's time especially the best company who's very good for you is the one waiting for you in the mirror to be discovered and listened. Trust me when you can see that person in the eye and say,"I'm proud of you."
Your life's worthy.

Soooo.... How did you like this part of my theme?Enjoyed it? Paisa Vasool?
I did while writing!
Let's keep another Muhurath for my next part!

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